Know your Dharma : know your place
Wandering, looking for other information.. I found this little article in a newspaper, two days ago. A glittering, timeless nugget of wisdom (it was titled Age of wisdom : caste jobs - the day's 'quota' of spiritual victuals, I suppose, in that newspaper), I just couldn't let it lie there.. I thought it could make all of us a little 'wiser'. So I'm posting/pasting it here :
' All Hindu religious and legal treatises always stress on the importance of the caste system and keep repeating the importance of keeping it pure by adhering to the tenets of occupation, inheritance and even interaction among the four castes.
According to the Vasishta Dharmashastra, the six lawful occupations for Brahmins are studying the Vedas, teaching, performing sacrifices for self and for others, giving and accepting alms. For Kshatriyas, the three lawful occupations are studying, performing sacrifices for self, and giving alms and gifts. With knowledge and security issues taken care of by the Brahmins and the Kshatriyas, the service tasks fall in the lot of the Vaishyas and Shudras.
The legal treatises provide a loophole for people who cannot or are not willing to follow the traditional occupations prescribed for their castes. These people are allowed to adopt the lawful occupation of other castes, but the castes should be lower than theirs. So, in effect, no one can take over (the) work of a Brahmin.'
So all aspirations to move up are unlawful.
A good primer to start this discussion..
I take inspiration from OBC's earlier link to this subject matter.
well this is the truth and we have to change it.
The domination and control virus is in the genes of upper castes.
i am trying to upload a movie on my blog. hope i am successful.
that's very brave ..:)) best to you.
@mineguruji: why dont you try uploading it to
you tube is not visited by most of the OBC guys and neither anti-quota wallahs.
welll, the Indian Exprress aka Bania Express has continued its tirade against the OBCs and Dalits. It has published a column by so called champion of OBCs, in which he exclaims " I dont want reservations, says this OBC". This newspaper being controlled by Brahmins and Banias in its effort to undermine the Congress govt and quota policy is cashing on few dalit and OBC intellectualls opposed to reservations bu publishing their outpourings in a vitriolic manner.
But, mind you, it wont publish or favour the collective demand of half a billion people.
Can few banias and brahmins decided what is right and wrong for the nation of billion people.
@mineguruji: Well, you could upload it to youtube and then embed the video in your blog. like this.
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the columnist in Indian Express coveniently twists phule's mission in life..part of which was to work for the education of the lower castes (he started schools on his own) to interpret that phule was against reservations..
when the state on the one hand and the..and powerful private 'philanthropists' control all the opportunities in higher education in india now..can an obc/dalit expect any representation, even token, without reservations..? would phule have opposed them? hadn't he fought the whole of his life against the stranglehold of the upper castes on education and knowledge? didn't he say that revenues collected from the shudras were being diverted to fund 'opportunities' for the upper castes?
you are right but who will teach this express guy. I dont when will they understand, what they want is reservations in media.
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