obc voice

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Who paid for your free lunches?

The Prime Minister is discussing the reservations issue with a group of ministers.. mulling over the Moily report, the news channels tell you. All the channels reporting on the issue 'inform' you reservations in central educational institutions are going to cost the government 17,000 crores. No, it's not the expansion envisaged in these institutions to accommodate upper caste students who might lose seats that requires this 'investment' -it's those damned OBCs...who are going to cost the country this colossal 'expenditure'.

If the institutions had been expanded, without making any provision for new reservations, I'm sure the media would have found a lot of 'merit' in that .. colossal 'drain' on resources.


At 3:11 AM, Blogger ASA said...

The media is reporting as if the entire cabinet is against the quota and only arjun singh the devil wants it.
They are trying to chop off this proposal as much as possible and this is the reason they are quoting astronomical sums, as if they are going to fund the same. The banias of India will do whatever to earn profits and even they do philanthropy with the same motive.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger obc voice said...


it's time someone started calculating how much was spent on these institutions..and what actually we've gained.. as you said the media isn't going to do it. but someone should..

At 2:47 AM, Blogger ASA said...

The Congress men from upper castes are also invariably opposing the bill, our great hope is the non-hindu sonia gandhi.

At 4:39 AM, Blogger obc voice said...


you know quite well the majority of the congress has never cared for the obcs.. the story of post-nehru electoral politics has been the story of the obcs rebelling against the congress and ..then against every other establishment party.. the obcs have been very vocal at the hustings - it's just that nobody hears them..

At 6:25 PM, Blogger continued-contemplation said...

I am a Phd student in the US currently researching on politics+ blogs on issues like reservations in India. Would it be possible to get in touch with you to ask some questions on blogging activities? If yes, please email me at phdblogger@yahoo.com


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