obc voice

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's your country

'That's the OBC script. The OBCs don't exist. When Nehru was building one of the hugest public sectors in the whole world, building a large central government and was prodding the states on to do the same, and when the governments that followed were doing more of the same..generally acting like God and dispensing largesse and jobs left-right-and-centre, it looks like great care was taken to exclude the OBCs from the queues. Or, it looks like the Indian Government didn't know of the existence of the OBCs.'

That's what I had said a few months ago. For sixty years, the Government of India refused to count the OBCs because they didn't exist. Now the Supreme Court says they don't exist because they were never counted. More than an interesting paradox, doesn't that seem like a great con job? I congratulate the smart actors, the collaborators, in this drama, the great pillars of our democracy, I mean your democracy - the government, the courts, the parliament and the press. Their true motives were always quite plain, even if at times one or more of them seemed to have developed something vaguely resembling a conscience. It was only the lower castes, because of their inherent backwardness, their lack of merit, who couldn't see through this sham exercise in democracy.

'Don't divide the country for your votebanks!' How can there be any votebanks if the voters don't exist?

A triumphant commenter on the preceding post says: satyameva jayate! It's time the OBCs learnt the bitter truth that they don't have any place in this country.


At 9:08 AM, Blogger ASA said...

Hi mate dont worry this is just an interim stay we will win

At 10:21 PM, Blogger obc voice said...


the principle of reservations in central govt/public sector jobs was accepted only after most of the recruitment had dried up. reservations in higher educational institutions would be possible only after they are privatised..i think.

govts which wake up every fifteen years or so, opposition parties who never bother to raise the issue on their own, bureaucrats who do their best to scuttle implementation, press which plays an active role in stoking and playing up minor opposition, judges..who act like they've descended from heaven. who throw up nakhras every time they hear the word 'reservations', mix their facts, mouth cheap filmi dialogue, pretend they've never seen a naai, kasai or a dhobi...

the ruling classes need a serious dose of reality injected into them..the conventional methods of doing that seem to have failed.


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