The poor, illiterate...oppressor
"In sum, an Upper Caste Hindu in either rural or urban India is significantly more likely to be less illiterate, have lower drop-out rates and therefore be better educated, hold better jobs and have much higher consumtion levels than all other social groups. Given that Upper Caste Hindus are a lot less illiterate and far better educated they are least likely to be poor. Equally importantly, the higher the consumption level the more likely the presence of Upper Caste Hindus. Whereas the these differences are true for both Rural and Urban India, they are far more marked in Urban India where Upper Caste Hindus are over-represented. Finally, in Urban India, STs, Scs and OBCs are far more similar than dissimilar in terms of education attainments and consumption levels.
In Rural India, relatively, it is the SCs that are worst off followed by STs, OBCs and with the Upper Caste Hindus at the top. In Urban India however it is the relative position of OBCs which is the worst, followed by SCs, STs and finally the Upper Caste Hindus at the top. Equally importantly, in Urban India, the differences between STs, SCs and OBCs in terms of relative positioning are very similar and they look a lot more like each other and very different from Upper Caste Hindus."
Read this.
y do u need these reservations when u r dat much capable? ha ha they r da crutches 4 u n u need them coz u r handicapped... if not then compete with us... prove urself... n ya reply on our blog coz we dont hav that much of the bloody shit time to check ur BTM blog now n then 4 da replies...
are you chewing on something? like the gum you bought last week perhaps?
good analysis, but what is the implication...why are the OBC's behind SC/STs in urban areas? and how does it make the upper castes the "oppressor"?
these questions remain unanswered...
'and how does it make the upper castes the "oppressor"?'
read the post again.. you'll understand that the 'oppressor' i referred to are the obcs. that is the false accusation the upper castes have been trying to hurl at the obcs..and not vice versa.
as for the upper castes - they've not 'become' the oppressor..they're the oppressor.
read the link at the bottom of the post for the full analysis.
There's something fishy here. The classification is: SC, ST, OBC and .. upper caste .. Hindus! Why not just 'upper castes'? In fact, consistently throughout the writeup, the phrase 'upper castes' does not appear without the suffix 'Hindus'! Was it that the chap put SCs, OBCs etc from all religions into the SC/OBC category? No way. There's a separate column for "other religions".
Perhaps the fellow is working on the Joshua Project as well.
If you are agreeing that some of upper or forward caste and OBC's are also in the low level in this society, you should agree that the reservation should not be given based on caste and religion, it has to be given based on financial status of that person.
good work obcvoice, i am back mate. Your analysis is right and there is no solution which is available easily to solve this problem.
oh my God !
this obc writes crap and others blindly agree to him...interesting !
Ok if im an anonymous commenter writing abusive words to upper class, this obcvoice calls it 'kind' words !!
and if i write something,yet more polite but against his views,he would so sarcastically disapprove of me.Why cant u be unbiased and view everyone posting here equally?
again,how would are against brahimins, nothing so "altruistic" about this obcs ka masiha out here !
Rhea why do yu feel that OBC writes crap?
Is it because you are from the elite upper caste background and this plainspeaking by OBC pains your ears to no ends.
Truth is bitter and ofcourse you wont like it.
thank you for your kind words.. but let me correct you on one point - i don't believe in brahminical ideas like masihas etc., reservations are being implemented because the state has realized that a large number of people from the lower castes have become aware of their rights..and it can no longer ignore their voices.
wow, rhea you speaking in favour of OBCs, i find it strange but nice to listen to these things.
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