obc voice

Friday, May 12, 2006


Noticed this at a blog with the name - entrancetotheshrine :
'Just when we thought it was time to give the reservation quotas the boot, the Centre declares that 49.5 percent of the total seats in IITs, IIMs and Central Universities will be reserved for the Backward Classes.'
Who are 'we'? Obviously not the Dalits or the Backward Classes- and definitely not the Muslims or the Christians who are having a hard time in some places saving themselves from policemen's boots. Who's left?
And the blogger goes on to ask: 'And weren't we all geared up to abolish the caste system?'
By giving the quotas - and by extension the reserved classes, the boot?
This is a mere sampler, an indication of what passes for 'sane', sensible, informed opinion among the elite in India over the reservations issue. From 1990 till now. And before that. We don't object to the arrogance, it's expected of any ruling class in the world, but the intemperance of language... And the veiled abuse. Bury the Bill this session and the next. Direct it back to the service entrance and one group-of-ministers after another, from this parliament to the next. But we'll wait, the language will keep searing our soul and so we'll wait.


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